Part 1 includes multi-class linear regression and a multi-class DNN regression using the provided target and features. The target was ‘highway-mpg’ and the features were: ‘num-of-cylinders’, ‘engine-size’, ‘horsepower’, and ‘curb-weight.’
Upon examining the graphs and the absolute error table, it seems apparent that the linear regression model performed better than the DNN regression model.
For the second part of the project I added new features to try to improve the models. The target stayed the same (highway-mpg), and all the old features remained, but I also added the features ‘city-mpg’, ‘engine-type’, and ‘normalized-loss’.
## After adding these new features both the Linear and DNN regression models improved. I am most impressed with the drastic improvement of the linear model. The prediction plot looks very good with almost all the points falling very close to the line, and the error table shows a significant decrease from 2.3 to just above 1.